



区分 蜜蜂、黄蜂和大黄蜂 会很有挑战性. 因为我们大多数人都与这些嗡嗡声保持距离, 刺, 还有咬人的生物, 我们真的不知道它们长什么样, 我们也不了解他们的生活方式. 有, 事实上, many physical and behavioral characteristics that distinguish them from one another.

因为这些有翅膀的昆虫在 北卡罗莱纳, it’s important to understand their features and behaviors in order to properly identify them and protect yourself, 你爱的人, 还有你的家. 因此,我们在下面提供蜜蜂、黄蜂和大黄蜂的终极指南.


Members of the Apidae family, bees are flying insects that collect nectar and pollen. 在传粉者, bees are a vital component of our ecosystem that provides us with goods such as oils and raw materials along with food and shelter for animals.


世界上大约有20万种蜜蜂. 根据北卡罗来纳州农业部的说法 & 消费者服务部,北卡罗来纳州大约有500种蜜蜂. 在这个州和美国最常见的蜜蜂种类是蜜蜂.S. 木蜂、蜜蜂和大黄蜂是什么.


膜翅目和全翅亚目的一部分, 黄蜂像蜜蜂一样提供重要的生态服务. 作为捕食者和传粉者, 群居黄蜂通过减少害虫(绿蝇)来保护花园和农作物, 毛毛虫, 等.). Moreover, like bees, they are pollinators, so they also help keep our ecosystem diverse and thriving.


Yellowjackets as well as black and yellow mud daubers are the most common 黄蜂 in 北卡罗莱纳. 最近,蝉杀手黄蜂的数量一直在上升. 有 two types of 黄蜂 (solitary and social) in terms of their nesting and living situation, 我们稍后会深入讨论.


黄蜂 are a specific type of 黄蜂 and the largest kind of eusocial (extensive social system) 黄蜂. 大黄蜂对十大网赌靠谱平台网站生态系统有益, 因为它们能控制蜘蛛和害虫,并为花授粉.




When it comes to physical characteristics, 蜜蜂、黄蜂和大黄蜂 have differing features.


Though there are several different types of bees, bees are generally furry creatures. Their hair not only regulates their body temperature but also serves as an automatic pollen collector. 花粉粒立刻粘在它们的头发上, 使它们的花粉采集过程非常容易和有效.

就大小而言,它们的身体通常比黄蜂更大更圆. 因为有几种不同类型的蜜蜂, 这些类型的人的身体特征略有不同. 例如:

  • Bumblebees are larger in circumference and have more hair on their bodies than honey bees do.
  • 蜜蜂的翅膀比大黄蜂的翅膀更透明.

不是所有的蜜蜂都是黑黄相间的. Though bumblebees and honey bees may carry these traditional colors or dark-to-light striations, 雄性木蜂是橙色到黄色的,而雌性则是完全黑色的. 此外,其他种类的蜜蜂有白色、红色、绿色和蓝色.


虽然黄蜂和蜜蜂属于同一目昆虫,但它们并不相同. 有些黄蜂,如黄马蜂和泥马蜂,很容易与蜜蜂混淆, 因为它们有黑色和黄色的颜色.

黄蜂 are distinguishable from bees by their pointed lower abdomens and their narrow waist, 或叶柄. 它们没有毛——它们光滑无毛. 除了, 当它们飞翔时, 你可以看到他们的腿晃来晃去, 而对于蜜蜂来说, 他们的腿蜷在里面, 所以当它们在空中时是完全看不见的.


像黄蜂, hornets have a more slender body than bees do that narrows at the waist area. 大黄蜂通常是黑色和白色或黑色和黄色. 尽管黑色和黄色可能会让人们认为它们是蜜蜂, 蜜蜂身上的黄色颜色更金黄. Bald-faced hornets are generally black with white patterns on their faces and bodies.

如果大黄蜂是黄蜂的一种,你怎么分辨昆虫是黄蜂还是黄蜂呢? 大黄蜂不仅体型较小, 但它们通常比一般的黄蜂更圆更胖. They also keep their legs tucked in when flying whereas 黄蜂 leave them hanging visibly.



蜜蜂是素食者,以花粉和花蜜为食. 蜜蜂在冬天也以蜂蜜为食.


黄蜂是杂食动物. 除了以花粉和花蜜为食,黄蜂还吃毛虫和苍蝇. 通过吃这些小昆虫, 他们正在控制害虫的数量, 最终帮助植物和农作物茁壮成长.



咬和. 刺

当想到蜜蜂vs黄蜂vs大黄蜂, 思考一下这些生物的攻击性是很有帮助的. These three creatures possess different behavioral patterns when it comes to biting and 刺; some only sting, 有些人只咬一口, 有些人两者都做.


While honey bees and 木匠蜜蜂 will generally leave you alone unless you bother them, 大黄蜂更具攻击性. 众所周知,它们可以追人超过四分之一英里.


Female bees generally carry stingers, they can sting you as many times as they like. 尤其是蜜蜂,在叮咬人类后不久就会死亡. 它们带倒刺的毒刺附着在腹部. 当它们蜇人的时候,刺会留在你的皮肤里,从它们的胃里撕下来.


黄蜂会螫人或咬人. The species of 黄蜂 that do bite rarely bite humans; they usually bite smaller insects. 雌性黄蜂是唯一有螫针的. 黄蜂一般只在感到受到威胁时才会蜇人.


如果一只黄蜂蛰了你,它可以蛰你好几次. 它们的刺很光滑,所以它可以很容易地刺穿你的皮肤很多次. And unlike honey bees, 黄蜂 do not lose their stingers and do not die upon attacking. 黄蜂 stings are alkaline and may produce different effects than bee stings which are acidic.


众所周知,当它们的巢穴受到威胁时,大黄蜂尤其具有攻击性. 尽管黄蜂和大黄蜂通常都比蜜蜂更有敌意, 秃顶的大黄蜂比黄蜂更具攻击性. 即使没有太大的威胁,这些特殊的生物也会蜇人.


Hornet stingers are retractable, which means they can be used to attack you multiple times.



蜜蜂筑巢和繁殖的方式在近20万种物种中各不相同. We will overview the nesting and lifecycle of the three types of bees that are common in 北卡罗莱纳 and the U.S.

1. 大黄蜂在哪里筑巢?

Bumblebee nests are located underground, particularly in abandoned holes made by larger animals. 这些巢是由蜜罐组成的蜡状细胞.

蚁后在地面或地下的小洞里冬眠, 它们在春天出现,创造新的栖息地. The queen lays her eggs which turn into either future queens or workers that help maintain the nest. 未受精卵变成雄蜂或雄性.

2. 蜜蜂是如何筑巢的?

蜜蜂用蜡筑巢, 这种糖是工蜂在体内转化糖分时产生的. 糖通过她咀嚼的两侧毛孔排出, 把它和她的唾液混合,让物质变得有弹性.

Most of the hive is a honeycomb that stores a bee’s eggs, larvae, pollen, honey. During the winter, the queen lays eggs in each cell of the honeycomb, forming a new colony. 受精卵变成雌蜂,未受精卵变成雄蜂.

3. 木蜂在哪里筑巢?

木匠蜂在木头上建造巢廊. 蜜蜂挖了一个洞,进入一条延伸几英尺的隧道.

就像大黄蜂, 木匠蜜蜂, 在冬天找地方躲避,在春末夏初产卵. Both males and females hibernate until the following spring when they seek pollen and a mate.


不像大黄蜂和蜜蜂用蜡状物质筑巢, 黄蜂用像木纤维这样的纸状材料筑巢. 有 two types of groups within the 黄蜂 world and they are divided based on their nesting preferences and locations.

1. 独居黄蜂是如何筑巢的?

The nesting habits are diverse—some solitary 黄蜂 nest underground and some nest in sheltered places such as under eaves and porch ceilings. 例如,泥水黄蜂建造泥巢. 它们看起来像一英寸长的泥管. 然而,大多数黄蜂是独居的,这意味着它们独自生活. They build isolated nests with paralyzed insects or spiders as a source of food for their young.

虽然它们可能和其他独居的黄蜂一起住在公共巢穴里, 它们都有责任照顾自己的后代. 因此, 它们不像蜜蜂那样是群居昆虫, 在那里你有一群生物,每个生物都有特定的责任.

2. 群居黄蜂在哪里筑巢?

群居黄蜂巢的位置取决于种类, 但它们通常在土洞里筑巢, 树干, 悬挂的树叶, 分支机构, 或房屋或建筑物的屋檐. 顾名思义,群居黄蜂是群居的. 他们有一个种姓制度,有一个或几个女王(受精后), 几只雄蜂(雄性), 工蜂(不育雌性).

The queen creates the colony during springtime by building a small nest and laying her eggs. 这些卵孵化出有生育能力的雌性,或新的蜂王、雄性和工蜂. The workers enlarge the paper-like nest which is usually made of chewed-up and regurgitated wood. 你可以把它想象成一种纸糊. 除了维护巢外,工蜂还要照顾蚁后的蛋和觅食.

不像蜜蜂不冬眠, queen 黄蜂 hibernate during the winter season and build a new nest and 黄蜂 generation the following spring. 雄性和工蚁通常在冬天死亡.


大黄蜂用挂在树枝上的木浆筑巢. 像黄蜂, 马蜂窝像纸一样,在冬季被遗弃, with only the young queens and their eggs surviving by living under tree barks or rooftops.

当春天来临时, 蚁后会建一个新巢,她的孩子将在那里成为工蜂, 她将繁殖新一代的蚁后和雄蚁.


根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据, 1,2000年至2017年期间,有109人死于蜜蜂, 黄蜂, 还有大黄蜂的刺, 哪一个是平均每年62人死亡. 大约80%的死亡是男性.


当刺痛, 黄蜂和大黄蜂的毒刺会释放引起疼痛的化学毒素, 发红, 和肿胀. Some people carry severe allergies to these toxins and can go into anaphylactic shock.


  • 呼吸困难,喘息
  • 血压低,脉搏快
  • 快速脉冲
  • 恶心、呕吐
  • 头晕、昏厥


Many people who are already aware of their severe allergies carry an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) with them to treat the sting.


  • 如果你或你正在帮助的人有EpiPen,立即使用.
  • 拨打911.
  • 抬高他们的腿,保持血液流向重要器官.
  • 如果他们在急救小组到来之前没有呼吸,就给他们做心肺复苏术.
  • If you are fortunate enough to only receive mild symptoms, you should take the following actions:
  • 搬到远离昆虫的安全区域.
  • 如果毒刺在你体内,取出来.
  • 用肥皂和水清洗这个部位.
  • 用冷敷来消肿. 不要直接在皮肤上敷冰.
  • 服用抗组胺药和氢化可的松乳膏来缓解瘙痒.
  • 一定要把咬伤部位抬高. 例如,如果你的手指被蜇了,一定要把手举到心脏上方. If your foot was stung, keep it elevated by resting it on a pillow, above the ground.


许多人在处理蜜蜂时倾向于采取自己动手的方式, 黄蜂, 或者用杀虫剂来对付马蜂窝. 不建议这样做,因为杀虫剂不能消灭一窝黄蜂或大黄蜂. 因此,你只会损害环境. Studies have shown that excessive use of pesticides damages biodiversity and human health.


而杀虫剂确实能杀死蜜蜂, 还记得, 这些生物是我们环境和生物多样性的重要组成部分. 蜜蜂 support the development of trees, flowers, other plants that allow diverse species to exist.

Since 2006, commercial beekeepers have reported losses averaging 29 to 45 percent every year. Pesticides, fertilizers, heavy land use have been primary drivers for the decline.

联系蜜蜂,大黄蜂, & 黄蜂控制专家

You shouldn’t try to handle an infestation on your own, as you may very well get stung. 入侵的蜜蜂、黄蜂和大黄蜂威胁并激怒了它们. 最好向医生咨询 专业十大网赌靠谱平台网站业务 蜜蜂,黄蜂和大黄蜂的问题在你的财产.

QualityPro和GreenPro认证; 鼠尾草病虫害防治 是为了解决夏洛特的黄蜂和蜜蜂问题, 格林斯博罗, 罗利在美国北卡罗来纳地区使用环保产品.

关于黄蜂和大黄蜂的区别还有其他问题吗? 十大网赌排行榜的专业团队 今天为您的蜜蜂,黄蜂,或大黄蜂清除服务免费估计!

  • 春天要注意的4种虫子 阅读更多
  • 5种植物可以吸引黄蜂到你北卡罗来纳州的家 阅读更多
  • 对付昆虫叮咬的注意事项 阅读更多